59Carol 's dagbok

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23 december 2023

I am very impressed with myself today! I have lost 1.2 pounds this week. This has not been an easy week to lose weight. I have been in town three days this week, prepping for Christmas and having my son staying with me. All situations that have caused weight gain in the past. I was careful with my choices and stayed mindful throughout. Still not easy. Last night my son made homemade chicken wings... that sort of thing!

We are celebrating Christmas things a day early because my son is flying home on Christmas evening. Today will are doing Christmas Eve complete with a seafood fettuccini alfredo pasta dish my son makes. Tomorrow will be Christmas supper and Monday will be Christmas breakfast and gift opening. Great family time!

This past week our Women's Shelter discovered black mold when doing some much needed renovations. This has sent us into fix mode, looking for financial assistance mode etc. A friend of mine told me that the national radio station just aired their interview with me this morning. I am going to have to see if I can find it as I hope I made a good case to the public about our situation.
Vikt: Tappat hittills: Kvarvarande: Kosten följs:
88,2 kg 33,6 kg 11,1 kg Ganska bra
   Lägg till kommentar Tappar 0,5 kg per vecka

16 december 2023

I gained 1.8 pounds this past week. As I anticipated last week this week was going to be problematic as I was eating out almost daily often two meals in one day. Trying to calculate calories when eating in non-chain restaurants is often a bit of a crap shoot. To the best of my guesstimate I ate at least 70 calories per day more than the 'window' that I aim for. Since it is common for people to underestimate what they have eaten it is likely more than that. The point is that there is no mystery as to why I gained weight this week.

I have begun a book this past week entitled "The Mountain is You". Its premise is that self-sabotaging behaviour is a coping mechanism to keep me feeling comfortable in a familiar situation. In my case, when I weigh in the 170s to the 190s it is familiar ground. I am comfortable with my weight in that I know what I look like, what my body feels like and I have clothes that fit and look nice. Consciously I know that to be a healthy weight I should be aiming for 130s to 140s. I do not know what that will feel like or look like. It is new territory. That unknown makes me uncomfortable so I make choices to remain in the 170-190s. This subconscious desire to not enter into the unknown is at odds with my conscious desire to get to a healthier weight. It will be interesting to see what the book suggests as a means to bring my subconscious and conscious minds into alignment!

In the meantime life goes on! I am looking forward to having my son visit. I will be picking him up on Wednesday. Christmas is always fun. We get to tell the grandkids about taking them to Portugal in May! They will be so excited. I continue to work at my father in law's and have sold about another $1500 worth of stuff in the past week and a half. So much more to go...!
Vikt: Tappat hittills: Kvarvarande: Kosten följs:
88,7 kg 33,1 kg 11,6 kg Ganska bra
   Lägg till kommentar Ökar 0,8 kg per vecka

09 december 2023

This has been a roller coaster week weight wise. As it turned out this morning when all the dust cleared I am exactly the same weight as last week. That really doesn't tell the story! Tuesday I was down 1.6 pounds but on Thursday I was up 1.6 pounds and the rest of the days was all weights in between. A variance of 3.2 pounds is quite a bit in a week.

How did that happen? Easy enough I was eating within my zone except for two days when I was way over. One of the days I made homemade bread. I wanted two loaves for stuffing and three loaves for bacon and tomato sandwiches and other meals while the family is here. I make them in batches of 4 loaves. Another batch is to come. Frankly hot bread right out of the oven is heavenly. The other day was a long day in town- left at 9 am and got home after 9 pm.

This up coming week is going to be a week on wheels. Christmas party potluck on Monday, subbing all day on Tuesday, subbing a half day on Wednesday, Thursday is a haircut and a late meeting in town, Friday is proctoring apprenticeship exams from 8am until 5pm (and that doesn't include the one hour drive each way!), Saturday is a play in town with the family. Honestly this is going to be very challenging.
Vikt: Tappat hittills: Kvarvarande: Kosten följs:
87,9 kg 33,9 kg 10,8 kg Ganska bra
   (1 kommentar) stadig vikt

02 december 2023

This week I am logging in a respectable loss! I lost 1.6 pounds. Right in the zone of one to two pounds in a week. This is reversing my recent gaining cycle.

What is different? I was in town three times this week and ate out 5 meals. They were the identical meals - avocado toast with a poached egg and a turkey sandwich without mayo with a date square. My home meals were consistent and on time. Presently I am only expecting one town day next week.

Town days are tough mostly because they are often long and late. Leaving home at 6am and getting home as late as 7 pm. Then I am tired and hungry- a terrible combination! Or it means I have eaten 3 meals in town and that is really pushing the envelope! I have tried to deal with the situation by eating identical meals so less guess work and less impulse choices.

My Christmas list is wrapped up. All the gifts are wrapped that are at my house. The rest will come in the mail and I will wrap as they arrive. I am planning on getting my house ready in stages for company starting this upcoming week. It will be fun to have a houseful again.
Vikt: Tappat hittills: Kvarvarande: Kosten följs:
87,9 kg 33,9 kg 10,8 kg Ganska bra
   (5 kommentarer) Tappar 0,7 kg per vecka

25 november 2023

I gained 1.8 pounds this past week. Certainly the 4 days that I was travelling and the eating out of all three meals had a lot to do with this gain. Last week when I had a similar schedule I gained 2.6 pounds so I can look at this week's gain as an improvement on last week's gain. However the goal is to lose weight and not to be gaining it!

This week I have two days in town which is much more sustainable. I will be out two evenings in addition to these two town days both of which have the potential to be eating extra. I will need to plan for that. I am also in a position to go swimming two times next week as I am in town on Wednesday and Friday. Morning swims are available Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

This past week has been incredibly busy! I ended up spending an extra day in Edmonton. My daughter and I filled the weekend with craft markets and thrifting. The days I was home were filled with home chores that kept me busy from 8am until after 6pm. Some tile repairs, a light repair and a septic alarm repair all got done. Deadbolts and a picnic table was fixed at my rental units. In town I got an oil change, pedicure, did a UPC stop and my father in law's. I have also been working on my Christmas list!
Vikt: Tappat hittills: Kvarvarande: Kosten följs:
88,6 kg 33,2 kg 11,5 kg Ganska bra
   (1 kommentar) Ökar 0,7 kg per vecka

59Carol 's vikthistorik

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