gmartineau 's dagbok

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30 augusti 2015

Fasting: 45
Afternoon: 122
Evening: 112

"When it was evening, there came a rich man from Arimathea, named Joseph, who himself had also become a disciple of Jesus. This man went to Pilate and asked for the body of Jesus. Then Pilate ordered it to be given {to him.}And Joseph took the body and wrapped it in a clean linen cloth, and laid it in his own new tomb, which he had hewn out in the rock; and he rolled a large stone against the entrance of the tomb and went away."
Matthew 27:57-60

Not much is known about Joseph of Arimathea who requested to have the body of Jesus after He had died. We do know the important things; the eternal choices of Joseph’s life. He had surrendered his life to Jesus and he used his blessings to minister to the body of Christ. He was a man of great wealth and anyone who owned his own burial plot was among the elite. We see him put forth great effort to make claim to Jesus’ body and take complete responsibility for funeral costs and arrangements. He put Jesus in his own tomb, giving whatever it took to meet the need of the hour. In other words, Joseph gave unto the Lord what was needed.

Joseph believed in Jesus, He was His Lord and Savior, understanding that when he came to know the Lord he gave to Him his very life and all that came with it. When we give our lives to Jesus, He has rights to everything by surrender. He’s always had them beloved, but when we come to know Him as our Lord and Savior we surrender them on our own and there they should remain. It’s wonderful to give the Lord all our bad things about ourselves and receiving His forgiveness, but it can be a struggle to let go of the "good" things we have such as possessions, money, position and power. We not only sign over the title to our past and all that comes with that but we yield ownership to all He has blessed us with and will continue to bless us with. Joseph understood this so to him paying such a high price for the body of Jesus and the cost incurred was nothing compared to what Jesus had paid for Him. All Joseph had belonged to Jesus and there was no inner struggle of the flesh to give it at the time it was needed because it had already been over at the time he became a Christian.

All that we have, beloved, was surrendered at the cross along with all we will ever be given. This includes our jobs, our homes, our bank accounts, our talents, our children, our grandchildren, our marriages, our singleness, and every other gift or resource God gives or will give to us. It’s all His. Calvary bought it beloved and it is no longer ours. I pray that whether you are a woman who has wealth or poverty that you will not take back up the title to what belongs to God. Use all that you have fully for the Kingdom of God; to minister to the body of Christ.

He Owns The Cattle On All My Hills

29 augusti 2015

28 augusti 2015

Fasting: 149
Afternoon: 105

God knows us better than we know ourselves and is standing ready to reveal, declare and disclose things by His Spirit. Jeremiah 29:11 says, "For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope." God has a great future for you that is far above anything that you can imagine. When you take the time to get into His presence, He will direct your path.

“‘ can we know the way?’ Jesus answered, ‘I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.’”
(John 14:5–6, NIV)

The devil attacks our confidence in subtle and not-so-subtle ways. Every day we're bombarded with worldly ideas of how we should talk, look and act. Sometimes the devil uses people to attack us personally. But, no matter how he comes to steal our confidence, we need to know that he does have a reason for doing it. It's to make the Gospel of no effect. The devil knows that when you think that you aren't worth much, you end up acting like it and that gives him an edge. Faith in God is what gets things done in your life. But, it's hard to have faith in God when you don't have much confidence in yourself.

You need confidence to succeed.

27 augusti 2015

Fasting: 130
Afternoon: 99
Evening: 92

Good morning my FS Buddies! I hope this fine day finds each and everyone of you Blessed and Favored. Today look for ways to bless others, no mater how you feel. Spend time giving praise to the One true God, praise Him regardless of your situation or circumstances, just because all honor and praise are due Him.

But if we live in the light, as God is in the light, we can share fellowship with each other. Then the blood of Jesus, God's Son, cleanses us from every sin.
1 John 1:7

Confusion comes when you let too many things muddy up your mind. Eliminate the confusion by focusing on your priorities.
Faith in God is a priority. Prayer is a priority. The flip side? Wondering how in the world it’s ever going to get done is not a priority—it’s confusion. Listening to people who tell you that you “can’t” or “never will” is not a priority—it’s confusion.

26 augusti 2015

gmartineau 's vikthistorik

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