gmartineau 's dagbok

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04 september 2015

Fasting: 134
Afternoon: 112
Evening: 116

Good Friday Morning FS buddies. Get to go to the VA today for a full Eye exam, including dilation. Yea me! The good part is that mean s I get to start my labor day weekend a day early. :-) I think I will smoke a brisket and some ribs this weekend for my Beloved and our kids. But first tonight we have a movie date with our small church group to see "The War Room", so all in all this day is shaping up to be pretty good.

“The sun will no more be your light by day,
nor will the brightness of the moon shine on you,
for the LORD will be your everlasting light,
and your God will be your glory.” — Isaiah 60:19

Sometimes, life can feel like we’re on a roller coaster. We are up when circumstances are good and then down when our fortunes take a turn for the worse. We get good news, and we are up. Bad news, and we are down in the dumps. An unexpected check in the mail, and we are elated. Something breaks and we have an unexpected expenditure, we are right back down again.

Life’s a bumpy ride when we tie our well-being to our circumstances.
But it doesn’t need to be this way. We don’t need to live our lives according to the whims of our current situation. When we trust fully in God and know that everything is ultimately for the best, we can rest assured no matter what the circumstances may be. In Psalm 112:6–7, the psalmist put it this way, “Surely the righteous will never be shaken . . . They will have no fear of bad news; their hearts are steadfast, trusting in the LORD.” Those who trust in God are unshakable – they cannot be moved from their place of trust and tranquility.

The reading from the book of Isaiah speaks of Israel after redemption. Among the prophecies is this: “The sun will no more be your light by day, nor will the brightness of the moon shine on you, for the LORD will be your everlasting light.”

One way of understanding these verses is that the sun and the moon represent the ups and downs in our lives. Everything is sunny, so we feel great. The sun sets, and maybe the moon is full or maybe it is barely seen and all is dark; we go into depressive darkness. God is telling us that this up-and-down cycle will be no more. We will always have the light of God to shine on us. No matter if it’s bright and sunny in our lives or dark and gloomy, we will always have light — meaning, we will be clear-headed and content no matter what.

Friends, let’s remember that we can decide right now to be like the righteous who never fear bad news. We can declare that we will remain peaceful and joyful no matter what our circumstances might be. When we place our full trust in God, there is no such thing as a bad day because every day brings gladness, peace, and divine illumination.

03 september 2015

Fasting: 142
Afternoon: 121

Evening: 102

Blood sugars going screwy on me, must be cause I feel like poo!

Good morning my FS buddies! My hope and prayer is for each and everyone of you to obtain your goals and desires. You are blessed in all that you do. We all have our ups and downs, but we are there for each other all along the way, because of this I am happy to call you my friends! Now go out there and have a great day!!!

Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own?
For you have been bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body.
1 Corinthians 6:19-20 NAS

God tells us to surrender our lives to Him. This is no small task. All our plans, every desire we feel, each entitlement that once seemed our right—everything is put aside in order to make way for our King’s will. But perhaps you have wondered why God can ask this of us.

The Lord has every right to demand that we give Him our all. First, Scripture teaches us that He is sovereign—the King and Ruler over the entire universe. As a result, we are under His authority, whether we choose to submit or not. Next, through His death and resurrection, Jesus saved us from our sin and its consequences. Therefore, we are indebted to Him more than we could ever repay. And finally, He sustains us; we should consider each breath and heartbeat a gift from Him.

Undoubtedly, God is entitled to ask that we yield our life to Him. At the same time, surrender is in our best interest. The Father promises that following Him leads to hope and an established future. Psalm 31:19 states, “How great is Your goodness, which You have stored up for those who fear You . . .” So, while He is the Almighty One with all authority to demand our life, He promises to care for us and to do what will benefit us most.

Are you willing to put yourself aside in order to follow Jesus? His way is best, and it offers hope, joy, and peace. We will not always like everything He chooses at the moment, but He promises to work all things for good. Will you trust God enough to hand the reins over to Him?

02 september 2015

01 september 2015

Fasting: 130
Afternoon: 122

Evening: 101

But the people who trust the Lord will become strong again. They will rise up as an eagle in the sky; they will run and not need rest; they will walk and not become tired.
Isaiah 40:31

Good morning my FS Buddies, I hope and PRAY that this finds you all well and stronger as you move closer to your goals. I seem to have achieved the first of my goals in that I finally have my blood sugars under control. My averages have been steadily dropping every month since I began this journey, in April they started out averaging around 275, May saw a drop to 150 and then 141 in June. They have continued to drop and in July the went to 139 and then in August the average was 109 for the month with my best daily average low being 94. God is so good, He has provided me with great friends here who have encouraged me all along the way even when the blood sugars spiked occasionally.

God's Word is true and alive for today! I CAN do ALL thing through Christ who gives me strength.!!

Are you ready for real change? Jesus said all you need is faith the size of a mustard seed to do it. Don’t throw away your chance to have His victory and His joy. Have Faith in God!

31 augusti 2015

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