Magpiezoe 's dagbok

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05 juli 2024

04 juli 2024

Yay! Today is the 4th an hubby is off with me. He took me grocery shopping and bought lots of organic mussels for dinner tonight, so they are in ice water in the fridge temporarily taking up space. He also picked out a nice watermelon, while I picked out the corn. It's going to be a lovely meal, just not sure we'll be able to finish it all. That's ok, because the chickens will gladly help us out with the corn. It might sound weird, but I enjoy sitting on the patio shucking corn while enjoying the great outdoors. This way the husks and silks can go into our mulch pile, so nothing is wasted. He's watering the garden, while I take care of things inside. It's going to be a wonderful day.

On the mental turf...Still having problems letting go of the anxiety of work, but I've got help and we are working on it. At least the dream I had of work last night was actually enjoyable. I dreamt one of the previous bosses was back and I got to work with her. She made me feel included and part of the team. I really didn't care what the others thought, because I was just enjoying the task she gave me. She gave me a task that no one wanted to do, because it takes a lot of time and accuracy. Like always, I found the job to be enjoyable since I love to work. Guess I really am a workaholic. It was much better than the other dreams of work, where there are arguments, lack of inclusion, inequality, and continued mistreatment. Maybe it's a sign I long for the past deep down inside; even though, I really just want to move on and forward.

01 juli 2024

30 juni 2024

The sky was dreary, but I went outside and worked on pulling weeds out of our walkway anyway. Funny thing is that hubby wasn't going to go out until he saw me go out. He thought it was going to rain. He decided to go out to the garden, weed, and pick wild black raspberries. I didn't realize how hot it was until I was already outside. It was only 8:00 am and already 80 degrees! I wound up putting on my neck fan so I could at least get a little bit done. Then I decided to go inside and got worried about hubby being outside. I brought him some water, and saw a couple of large tree branches had torn off one of our red bud trees from the storm last night. I wound up back outside helping hubby clean up the debris for another hour. So glad I checked on him or he would have been out there longer. By the time we were done, both of us were hot, sweaty, and tired. There should be an exercise choice of hot/sweaty yardwork, because I really think I burned extra calories working in sauna like conditions. After lunch, we both took a nap. Guess we're getting old.

28 juni 2024

Today I decided to splurge on breakfast. No reason, except that freckled banana looked good sitting all alone by the fruit. Love bananas when they freckle. Instead of having a banana and peanut butter, I went for my "spa-style" breakfast...Pancakes with banana, nuts, syrup, and whipped cream. Not going to lie. It was good! At least I get more bang for my "spa breakfast" calories than I would a fast food meal. ;) My arthritis kicked in and I really didn't sleep that well last night, so I just watered the garden and took a morning nap. Woke up feeling much better, but my mind was all over the place as to what do I want to do. Settled on cleaning out my catch all chest of drawers, thinking I would find that tiny speaker hubby and I share. Nope, but now I'm organized. Top drawer stationary stuff, second drawer nail stuff with scissors and knives, (Love my knives ever since my dad gave me my first pocket knife when I was a kid.) and the bottom drawer is shoes. Then I straighten out my shoes by the door. Looks really nice.

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