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16 maj 2015

Good morning mountain side & welcome to Saturday. Personally, a long,rough day yesterday to end a long, rough week. So I'm looking to re-charge & work off my frustrations physically; while taking a vacation mentally.

Non-Weight Loss Related: Back story to my thoughts can be skipped in the interest of time.

I take a lot of pride in what I do & the effort I put in. I also have a hard time taking criticism, when my effort is questioned. I own my results 100%, good or bad. Always have. Additionally, I do things. I'm a do'er. I make things happen.

My job title includes the word manager, but I consider myself a leader. Anyone can be a manager; but not just anyone is a leader. "What's the difference?" is the question that usually follows when I make such a statement. Managers do things right; but a leader, a true leader, does the right things. Even if those things are contrary to what non-leader, manager logic & numbers say you should do.

I absolutely hate the phrase, "Think outside the box." Because the people who use it, in my experience, live in the box & can't even fathom the size of the box a creator of original ideas & concepts lives in. Their world would fit in my box a million times over. They are playing checkers, while I'm playing chess. They are breathing oxygen here on Earth; while I'm popping out of a worm hole, sucking air out of a bottle, traveling at the speed of light, on approach to Alpha Centari.

Oh well. The easy way to avoid criticism is to embrace nothing. Doing nothing never garners attention. Saying nothing never exposes your thoughts or ideas to judgement. Being nothing is a good way to sail through life without making any type of impact. Doing, saying, & being nothing will absolutely render you you invisible to criticism. It is a safe play.

That's all well & good if that is your type of mentality; but that is not me. Like I said, I'm a do'er. So I'm going do, what I'm going do. I'm a leader, who happens to be a manager. So I'm going to lead & do the right things; even if those things are unable to be comprehended by someone else's logic. I don't mind going against the grain. I'm the guy in the pink polo walking amongst the masses in camouflage t-shirts.

I know I'm not everybody's cup of tea. I can live with that. I also know I have left generations of future leaders who ascended to leadership positions in my wake. So I will let that be the judge of how I function, think, & lead. I am confident in me & my abilities. This is not arrogance. This is confidence.

Back to Weight Loss:
Go out there & be you each & every day. If the path you follow has proven itself to be right to you; it does not have to be justified in the eyes of another. You know you. You know your dreams. You know your ambitions. You know what you need to do, to make those things happen. You be confident in you. You be confident in asking for help when you need it, that this community will supply it. Otherwise, if what you are doing is working for you; do not allow someone else to tell you, you are doing it wrong.

Be strong this weekend gang!!! Have fun!!! And most of all, enjoy this climb!!! God knows I am. This is the most difficult thing I have ever loved; & even loved to hate. The climb, the mountain, the challenge; all wrapped by the comrade-re of each of you along for the journey!!! Damn this is awesome!!!

Going to a car show (without my Ol' Silver Bullet of course), but it will still be fun. Hope you all have a great weekend!!!

15 maj 2015

14 maj 2015

Good morning to the mountain side! Hope all is well with everyone this morning.

Personally, I have several issues this morning. I got a long day ahead of me & need to get to the gym this afternoon as well. I got a little too aggressive on the treadmill Monday & gave myself a nasty blister on the heal of my right foot. I drained it, but man it has been sore. If I step on it just right, it just shoots pain up my leg, but I can't let that stop me. If I can't stand the treadmill I will get on the bike, or rowing machine, or elliptical, or whatever I can tolerate. My neck won't "pop" either. The pressure is killing me & keeps me constantly rolling my head around like a bobble head doll trying to pop it. Going to the chiropractor today, so hopefully he can do something. I was told by the body shop that what the insurance company is willing to pay & what the repair will cost is going to be close & that all insurance companies wait until they have invoices in hand before making the call on totaling a Corvette. So, I got that to look forward to. Good news is, I looked it up on NADA & it worth much more now than I paid for it; even the low mileage added $3,600 in value. But enough about my woes.

Let's get out there & throw down on this Throwback Thursday. Seek to take strides up the mountain today, by any means necessary. No matter the obstacles in your way, find a way to make progress on your journey this day. Don't let the trials & negativity that may be rotating around you infect your positvity. Weather the storm my friends. Be the beacon atop the lighthouse. As in the lyrics of the old ELO (Electric Light Orchestra for you youngun's); "DON'T BRING ME DOWN!!!" Be the straw that stirs the drink.

Just go out & spread the positive energy of your climb today gang. Be infectious to your family & friends. Let them see the light in you stoked by your torch of motivation.

God I'm corny when I'm grumpy. I am saying these words here, only because I need to hear them myself; not trying to be preachy to no one other than me. I have got to put Mr. Grumpy back in the stockade & let Mr. Goodfellow out for a walk. Have a happy climb today gang!!!

In all sincerity, you all have to keep going, because you motivate me to keep going.

13 maj 2015

Good morning on the mountain side my fellow climbers. Here's to hoping your Tuesday was tenacious & your Wednesday will be be full of "Will Power." Let's all take advantage of the opportunity to continue this journey of self discovery & improvement to the next level today. Get out there & try something new; a new food, a new workout; a new place to workout. Anything you think you need to keep you motivated & on the path to the peak.

This is long journey my friends, & in some ways, I guess it will never end; but that is nothing to fret over. This is the choice we have made to change our lives & correct the actions of our past. If we seek to be the person we want to be, we must expect to put in the effort to create that reality. That is not to say we can't have fun or enjoy the transformation; but on the flip side, there is a price to pay for climbing this mountain.

You pay in sweat. You pay by holding yourself accountable. You pay by being disciplined. You pay by being honest with yourself, which is sometimes painful. Yes the price seems high, but I suspect it will all be worth it. I'd pay anything right now, to not be the biggest person I know; the biggest person in every room I enter; & the biggest person everyone I know sees.

I've made good progress on my journey, but I am nowhere near finished gang. So as we continue our climb today, be new. Be bright & shiny at something today; even if you are the biggest new person in someone else's eyes. Let the world see the big you now, so when they see the changed you; they will respect the effort you put in, to build the you, you want to be. The you that was inside, but hidden from them.

Size is only a mindset. My scales might say I still weigh 390 pounds this morning, but my mentality knows I will weigh 200 when I stand on this peak. It's only a matter of time & math; when everybody else will get to see the new me that I have made my mind up to be.

Set your mentality to new today gang & let's go climbing!!!

12 maj 2015

Good morning out there on the mountain side mates! Yesterday was a good day. Hit a personal best on my five mile treadmill time, but I still didn't break the 1,400 calorie barrier on intake. All my life, I've never had this issue; not eating enough. And I am not hungry at all! So, I changed up things this morning. I cooked a breakfast burrito; 2 eggs, 1 sausage patty, 1 slice pepper-jack cheese, wrapped in a whole wheat tortilla. I haven't tallied the calories yet, but it will certainly topple the 120 I usually get from the Nuti-Grain Bar. So on to today.

You better believe it, it's TENACIOUS TUESDAY!!! It's the day to go out there & reset yourself before you wreck yourself! It's a day dedicated to standing up after the fall. A day for halting the slide & getting back in "Amen" corner. It is a day for banishing the rut you find yourself in & establishing new & exciting routines.

So allow this day to refresh your perspective on things. Take the opportunity to push beyond your known limits this day & create the new standard for which you seek to achieve. After all, this journey is about creating that new you & this day is to remind you of the fact, that the new you is waiting in the wings for you to breathe life into them.

So tighten up the spikes this morning. Make sure your pick ax is sharp & you have plenty of rope; for today we make major strides towards the peak this day. Bring the effort today gang!!! Be tenacious! Be the hammer! Be a TENACIOUS HAMMER!!! The only thing you have to lose is the old you; & isn't that what we are climbing for? Hell yeah!!! Let's dance all over this mountain today!!!

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