ohiogirl63 's dagbok

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23 januari 2015

For January 22. I feel pretty good right now. I added some extra exercise. It wasn't hard but it might do the trick. I warmed up with snowball fights on the Wii. Like I do most days. I "ran" for 2 30 minutes sessions. I slowed down with some balance games. Then I rode my bike around the island for a while. This evening I was on the Gazelle for an hour. During commercials I changed my arm positions to try to work the back of my arms a little more. And I moved faster. And right before midnight I just back on the Gazelle for another half hour. I adjusted during the commercials again. Nothing high impact but a little more work.

I drank most of my water today. I might not have to add anything to it now. DH went to the store and got another filter. So now the water out of our new refrigerator is double filtered. I know he did it just for me. His is so wonderful.

I think the Miralax is helping. I sure hope so.

And since we have our new fridge I made some sugar free pudding. So the eating program is going to be on full force. Maybe I will be able to do better since I will have milk for my protein shakes and I can have pudding and jello. And I know they won't make me sick or taste bad. We also have ice. So that adds to the appeal of the water.

Things might be looking up. I guess tomorrow will let me know a little more. I sure hope I lose at least a little this week. Is 2 or 3 pounds too much to ask for???

I hope everyone had a great day. And hope tomorrow is shining bright.

22 januari 2015

Early morning. Did one "run" on the Wii. I walk fast. If I try to go faster it tells me I'm going too fast. I'm up to past 7.75 miles in 30 minutes. I might do another one here in a few minutes.

Was on the Gazelle for an hour last night waiting for DH to get home. He was at the bank and the store to get our new refrigerator! Yay! I was so happy. Now I can get some good food to eat. I will be able to make some sugar free pudding and have milk to make protein shakes. Maybe things will improve now that I'm drinking more water too! I can't believe it. I drank 3/4 of my measured water yesterday. Putting a slice of orange made it great. Thank you for your wonderful ideas!!

I really don't understand why I'm not losing anything. It's driving me a little crazy. I've dropped off all caffeine and sugar. I exercise at least an hour everyday. This is all much more than I have been doing for months. Especially the eating better part. There for a while I was going crazy. I either ate everything in sight. Well, everything that had sugar or fat in it. Or I drank cup of coffee after cup of coffee. Decaf but with lots of cream. I like Splenda in my coffee but it is not an error to say that I like a little coffee with my cream. And the cream I like is the Coffemate Hazelnut creamer. So there is fat and sugar in it.

The last time I did this I lost a bunch of weight. This time my body isn't liking me so much. I can't for the life of me figure out why. I stay home most of the time. And I thought I was losing some inches. It felt like that to me. But when we went out on Tuesday. I felt so fat in my clothes. Like I hadn't lost any inches at all. I'm tempted to measure. But then I was thinking. What if I haven't lost anything. Then it will make me feel worse. Not knowing is not causing me any problems. So I will go with I feel different so I must have lost at least a little inches. I'll find out at the end of the month.

I was thinking about my goals for this month. I'm doing pretty good on the exercising. I'm not doing as much as I wanted but I'm taking it slower to make sure I can keep it going. I made a goal of losing 12 pounds for the whole month. I went with a lesser goal of 2 pounds a week @ 4 weeks. And a mega goal of 3 pounds a week @ 4 weeks. I guess that makes 8 to 12 pounds my weight loss goal for the month. So far I have lost 6.4 pounds. I have until weigh in day on Saturday, January 31 to lose 5.6 pounds. So that is 10 days? I that reasonable??? Maybe so. Not sure. Because I expect so much of myself all the time.

I increase my protein intake. Maybe that will help. And I think maybe the Miralax is finally helping. I'm debating on whether to continue with the Miralax or switch to the Benefiber. Have to think about that one.

I hope everyone has a great day. Thank you for your support.

21 januari 2015

I wonder about me most of the time. Well, really all of the time. I'm determined to get this right. And still I mess it up. We went to the store and got some more protein powder. We bought the wrong kind. This stuff tastes like chemicals. So now I have to drink this funny tasting, smelling vanilla creme protein powder. Hope it goes by fast.

I haven't been able to eat all the things that I'm used to eating because our refrigerator is not working right. So no milk products. We also do not have ice. Water is tough for me unless it is cold.

All of this is not an excuse for messing up. I don't know what causes me to be so stupid. So this morning I ate some popcorn. It is not high in calories and is air popped. But it is still not liquid or full liquid. I just punish myself. I mess myself up all the time.

20 januari 2015

Over night I read back through my journal entries from when I tried to start this process over last year. So many things happened that made that a disaster year. I started out very well. Then it seems that I started to cause problems for myself. Then my dad got sick, was getting better, then died suddenly. My mom wanted me to stay in Ohio to help her. So I was there until the end of May. Then she came to visit for June and July. My grandma died very suddenly in June. And a great aunt died shortly thereafter. At the end of July I drove her home and stayed with her. She wanted me to extend my visit so I was there until October. I came back home in October. Since then I have been trying to deal with a crazy, messed up life.

During the past year I have had at least 3 "episodes" of some kind that have caused me to fall down, wonder around, say and do things I don't remember or just sit and look dazed and out of it. They took me to the hospital once for it. It was diagnosed as transient global amnesia. It can cause amnesia on a small scale. Like forgetting the day. Or on a large scale. Like forgetting most things. I have a lot of forgotten stuff. The biggest measurable time so far was most things from a Thursday to a Sunday. I do not remember most of it. I have flashes every once in a while of people I talked to. But not much else.

My life feels like it is up in the air. I thought this was happening because of the deaths in my family and being away from home so long. When I read my journals, I realized that this was starting to happen before then. It showed me how I felt then. Also opened my eyes to putting words to the way I feel now. Because I was able to express those feelings easier then. More understanding of myself is a good, maybe even a great thing.

There are things in those journals that might help me to be successful now. I'm going to change a few stupid little things that I think might help me.

One thing I realized is that I am having the same problem sleeping that I had then. The answer then was to go to sleep and sleep until I got up. I still don't have a job. So that might be the answer to that problem. Sleep until I get up. No matter how long that is. Then maybe I will feel better. Then go to bed at a reasonable time.

Another thing I did was add fruit to my water. I drank all my water that way. Drinking all my water seemed to help me feel better.

I also pushed myself much, much more with exercise. This time I've been really wimpy! And here I thought I was pushing myself. When I checked in on the Wii I did not look at my weight. Just my BMI. My weight is different on the Wii than it is on my scale.

I mention a file that I found on my computer from 2012. I do not know what that is but I am going to try to find it. The only problem is that there a a bunch of files I can't open because my Microsoft Word Starter 2010 won't open for some reason. It says that it doesn't exist. So I guess I will have to buy it to get to those files. Also, I mention that I got the food paperwork that I needed from my surgeon's office. But I don't know if that is true. It might be the stuff I already have.

I've been feeling sick. I don't seem to be able to eat much. I don't know if I said something about this before. I kept feeling like I was going to throw up when I made my pudding or soup with milk in it. The pudding was a little running but I wasn't really noticing. Then one day I went to eat some butterscotch pudding and it looked terrible. I asked my DH to taste it. He thought it tasted okay. So I spooned some out to eat it. Still looked bad to me. So I took a taste off the spoon. It was really nasty to me! I said something to him. And I had just told him that both gallons of milk were spoiled. Seemed like that was way ahead of time. I'm not a big fan of milk. So if it's past the date, I pretty much can taste the difference. But this was clumped and nasty spoiled. Because of both of these things, DH checked out the fridge. It was messed up. The fan was not running. So he fixed it. We have been using it for 3 days with the fixed fan but it still doesn't seem cold enough. So today after he gets off work we have to get a fridge. That will be a good thing. Maybe after that I can eat more foods.

Another thing that I mentioned in my past journals was that I sabotage myself. Really bad. One way is by thinking that I have to be perfect. Once I feel better then I have to do everything. My loving DH told me that he wanted me to concentrate on my health. To get my exercise in. To eat properly. He would worry about the rest. So when I start, I feel free. I can focus on me and my health. As time goes on and I am feeling stronger. I am doing better. I am making progress. Feeling better. Then I begin to not feel free. I feel trapped in myself. I feel better so I have to do something besides "be selfish". I have to do something besides worry about just me. I start to build the trap. The fence around me. Around my new health house that I am building. So I build the fence instead of the house. And last time I checked you can't live in a fence or on a fence. Very uncomfortable. So THAT has got to change!! I have to listen to my DH. He knows me so well. And he knows our situation better than I do. Especially now that I have problems with my memory. So I am going to stay focused on exercise. Making it possible to get in my exercise. Focus on rest. Getting enough sleep. Focus on eating properly. Focus on drinking my water. Focus on my health. Every single day!!

I am so sorry for running off like I did. I want to thank everyone for all of their support. And I am sorry for my lack of support to you. I remember some things. But I get confused with a lot of the things I do remember. Some I just don't remember at all. I am really sorry for that. I am going to try to do better.

Thank you again for all of your support.

I hope everyone has a great day.

19 januari 2015

Today is the beginning of Week 3. I'm still on liquids.

Drink more water! Drink more WATER!! That is the new focus. I HAVE to get ALL of my water in EVERY day! At least 64 ounces.

It is hard to do. I have to get back in the habit and rhythm of the eating and drinking dance.

I think I am making it hard on myself. I did really well when I first had the surgery. I KNOW I did. I was successful. And I think I am causing myself problems because I want to go back there. But I can't remember how I did it. With this memory problem that I have. I keep trying to visualize how I ate, how I drank, what kind of exercise I did. All the elements that made it successful. So by trying to go back and think about that I keep putting extra pressure on myself. I think so anyway.

What I think I need to do is look at NOW. Get the rules. Look at the rules. Understand the rules. Follow the rules. Do all of those things NOW. How things are now. Not look back at how they were done before. Feel what I feel now. Instead of trying to see and understand how I felt then. Listen to what my body and circumstances are saying to me now.

Trying to get the water is has to be a step by step process. I can't drink it down really fast because it causes pain. So I have to sip. Well, that's what I did with my coffee. So follow the same habit. I've eliminated coffee completely. Good deal since I liked Splenda and lots of cream. Just replace that cup of coffee time with a glass of water. I can't drink 30 minutes before or 30 minutes after a meal. Sometimes that is hard to do because I get thirsty. But then I have a habit of ignoring my thirst. HUH! Why is that I wonder??

I am adding a little bit of cranberry juice no sugar added to my water everyday. To encourage bladder health. I hope.

Water, Water, Water. Focus on reaching my water goal.

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