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20 september 2016

19 augusti 2016

I apologize for my absence, friends, but I'm on such an awesome spiritual journey that social media interferes with.

A guru once said, "When you can look at an acorn, but see instead an oak tree & all of the wonderful things that are derived from that tree, you have reached a level of enlightenment." Wtbs, I got so upset when my son threw away all of the seeds that a canalope bares last I have saved tons of seeds from fruits the past few weeks, and plan to start an orchard.

I once saw bees as pests, but now I see so much more. My baby boy who got stung a few days ago, asked me wouldn't I'd rather there be no bees so noone gets stung. I then to my own surprise (I've always feared them as well) explain the importance of bees to him, and told him all of the reasons why we need them. Now, I'm thinking off starting a honey bee farm.

I can't believe all of the beautifully calming things in nature that I have been missing all of these years! The cotton-like clouds, the beautiful sunrises/sunsets, the voluptuous moon, the intreging stars, the perfect symmetry of the flowers, the sounds of the birds, etc.

I can't believe all of the time I'be spent wishing my kids we're calmer rather than teaching them to be calmer. I can't believe all of the time I've spent wishing that I was 16 again instead of focusing on the joys of being 40 (almost). I can't believe all of the time that I've spent stessing to have the "perfect body" rather than focusing on being healthy and enjoying life... MY life, right here & now! For one day... it will be no more, and I'm OK with the circle of life as long as I leave behind what I'm supposed to (Love, joy, memories, etc.).

Much love to you all, and a special thank you to Sugar Waffle for being a guru of sorts! 😘


02 augusti 2016

Just checking in and sharing some thoughts. No need to comment (though you may if you like). I don't know when I will check in again to reply, as my journey inward continues.

Results eating seasonally: even with allowing myself to eat whatever I want in the evening (junk) 2-3 times a week, weight remains stable. Digestion is lovely! :) Biggest food avoidance for me this season is meat.

What if each season prepares our digestive system for the next, and clears our system of excess from the last?? As in... Summer (HCLF, little/no meat) would allow our systems to clear animal fat & protein, which some studies report as dangerous (Ha Ha). At the same time this would provide our digestive systems a break from hard to digest foods, and allow for a mega dose of vitamins/minerals. Fall (Moderate carb & moderate fat): Mainly nuts, seeds, fall veggies, and I'm thinking some small animals towards the end of fall. Wouldn't the nuts (being that they are harder to digest than fruits/veggies, but easier to digest than meat) prime the digestive system to get ready to work harder to digest mainly meat in the winter months?? Wouldn't this wean us back off of carbs & reintroduce fat, priming the system to get ready to burn mainly fat, but still having carbs for immediate energy?? Winter (mainly meat season with a few greens): Wouldn't this be the season that we are naturally needed to fast more, burn more body fat, and clear the system of carbs which studies also support as being bad? Is Summer/fall not naturally intended for a little weight gain?? Doesn't this naturally prime our metabolisms?? Spring (mainly salads, blueberries, etc.): Wouldn't this prime our systems for a high carb summer again, while naturally keeping weight in check?? Is this a more efficient form of carb cycling?? Wouldn't this prevent boredom for any given "diet"? According to Dr. Fung, it takes 12 weeks to see a dramatic change in metabolism when changing calorie intake. Coincidence that this is the pretty much the length of a season??

I don't know, but it makes sense to me. I DO know that mother nature has a plan, and fighting that plan is losing battle in every aspect of life.

SN... Speaking of mother nature, I'm finally ok with turning 40 this year & possibly becoming a grandmother. I'm ok with the fine lines I see in the mirror, as they prepare me for the wrinkles to come. It is the circle of life, and I'm ok with that. :)

Have a wonderful journey all! :)

24 juli 2016

24 juli 2016

The thought of exercise entered my mind this morning while meditating, so I let it stay & pondered upon it a bit. You also have the argument of whether cardio is better (including what how to do cardio: steady, HIIT, etc) or strength training (including how to do it: light weight/more reps, heavy weight/less reps, time under tension, lean season, bulk season, etc.) is better (along with which diet). Then there is also the study of mTOR suppression, newbie gains, muscle memory, etc. What if it's supposed to be a seasonal thing too? I think (like with diet) there are too many good studies for any one plan to be wrong. I think they are all right & all wrong at the same time. I think it all has a time and place to be implicated.

I'm not talking body building competitions, or looking like Hollywood. I'm talking about health & longevity. I'm talking taking it back to the days when there were no mirrors, and the only instinct was survival & reproduction. In the months that things could be gathered, I think we likely let animals get fat, mate, and care for offspring. There was an abundance of food growing for our taking, so why would we kill off our means of survival during the barren winter months?? I think cardio may have been more prevalent during gathering season, as we likely spent much of the day walking at a slow/steady pace looking for food with the occasional sprint running for our lives. I don't think there wouldn't have been any type of heavy baskets to carry, thus little strength training. I think there would have been the lugging of animal meat through the snow during the winter months when plant life was barren, with little cardio. Why would we run from our kill?? Variations of strength training would likely mimic this.

I think the only perfect diet is one where no supplementations of any kind would be needed. No B12, Iron, etc. as needed for vegetarians, or multivitamins, magnesium, etc. for LCHF. I think that every vitamin, mineral, amino acid, etc. trickle down and last until the next season if we got plenty of it all during the appropriate season. I think our body is smarter than anyone gives it credit, and can store all of these things (just as it does with body fat) to use when the time is appropriate.

"The 3 Season Diet" has some type of exercise protocol, but I have no clue as to what it is. To be honest, I'm sick of reading & researching only to find conflicting evidence. I feel so in-tune with myself and nature now, I will follow my animal instincts. Call me over the top, call me crazy, but these are my thoughts and I'm sticking to them.

Happy journey in finding your individual path to all, and have a marvelous day! :)

SN... All ideas are subject to copyright. If anyone write a book or anything of the sort, I want

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