Gick med mars 2019

113,3 kg
Tappat hittills: 30,6 kg

Nuvarande vikt
82,7 kg
Prestanda: Tappar 4,6 kg per vecka

85,7 kg
Kvarvarande: 3,0 kg
Child of the one true God and servant of His perfect human son, Lord Jesus.
I started fatsecret on 3/26/2019 to help me get below 200lbs in 2019 as was my new year's resolution. You know, one of those you are supposedly not going to keep. We will see...

9/30/2019 New year's resolution of under 200 during this year achieved by weighing at 199.2 in 9/30/2019

3/26/2020 one year fatsecret anniversary

3/30/2020 made goal of normal BMI at 189. weighed at 188.0 this morning. I'm officially normal weight. Took 13 months from 3/6/19 to 3/30/20 to lose 65lbs.
Next goal is keeping it down and toning up.

2021/1/1 Back at it. 2020 saw me gain all the weight back as government shut down all exercise as illegal. Well, I ended 2020 with my highest recorded weight minus 2 pounds at over 113kg (250lbs to be imperial). Journey back to reasonable weight shall commence yet again. Planning on shredding the first 40lbs before June in order to be at 90kg (53.5lbs down) by summer solstice.

So that didn't work. Counting calories is boring and a ball in a chain. I switched to LC+IF which requires no counting. Let's see if I manage to go under 200lbs by the end of the year on my meat heavy diet.

22/11/2021 going all in, leaving Keto behind, I'm now Carnivore 👌

I'm a carb addict

Dr. Berry's losing fat promise

11/11/2023 Been consuming a ton of sugary foods to treat my moods. Which obviously doesn't work. Getting back on carnivore at 94kg and with a huge belly (muscles shrank though).

14/12/2023 Been on Carnivore for a month now. No hunger, ever. Still get random cravings for candy but gladly they are passing.

2/8/2024 goal reached again. this time for good. no limiting food required on carnivore so this is super easy.

yohoyoh 's vikthistorik


Sista invägningen: Ökar 0,1 kg per vecka Up
Sista invägningen: Tappar 0,6 kg per vecka Down
Sista invägningen: Tappar 0,1 kg per vecka Down
Daughter of the_King
(endast synligt för följare)

yohoyohs senaste mat och motionsinförande

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