Yesterday's mission accomplished! We were out all day, had lunch and dinner out on the town.

As I expected, I ended up having a pita for lunch. A small pita bread with lettuce and chicken breast. It was super nice, fresh and tasty. I'd go there again.

Dinner? Wife wanted Chinese. I of course went with her and I opted for Mongolia BBQ - tons of grilled veggies with shrimp, salmon and only water based sauces. Easy on the calories and of so yum! I treated myself to a couple of pieces of sushi, and a TINY piece if chicken breast in a curry sauce. TINY portions except for the main meal. Still, all was consumed consciously, and I could feel that it helped me stopping early on.

After we left I could, however, feel that I probably could have quit earlier and have been further ahead on my little game. It's no biggie. It won't sit in my system for a whole week but it just might mess a little with Saturday's weigh in. That okay. I can live with that.

All in all I did a quick run through of my intake through the day and I ended up at around 1600 calories total.

My experience tells me that a day like yesterday with about 5 hours of walking and shopping plus a full hour on the bike is more than 3200 calories burned. I'd say I did just fine.

Oh, and I never touched the soy sauce. Not getting into that salty mess... :-)

So, today (or should I say tonight?) I am up early again. Can't sleep. Or, rather, I feel that I'm done sleeping, which is much less of an issue. I did sleep about 5 hours, and it's a little past 3 Am. I wish I could sleep more, but I know that if I stay in bed I will simply just lie there until it's time to get up. I may as well just get up right away and use the time more efficiently.

So here I am, journaling and biking as I've grown accustomed to. I hope to knock in a full hour, like yesterday and the day before.

I csn tell that my legs are a little more tired than usual, but they were put to good use yesterday, so I can see why. Nothing major though and I don't see it stopping me today. They'll get quite a workout today though.

I will be done biking at 4:10 AM or so, about the time Wife wakes up. I'll then go get ready with her. Then around five well have breakfast. We only have one chair in the kitchen, which Wife usually sits on, so I voluntarily stand up. I like standing up doing a lot of things these days. I think it's a great habit. It keeps me active.

The only downside is that it's a little harder to do conscious/mindful eating while standing up. I tend to rush my breakfast a little too much. It's not that we're in a hurry or anything, we usually have like thirty minutes where we talk, but the food just seems to disappear a little too fast. I'm probably just a little too focused on the conversation and too little on the food. It's okay, it keeps me satisfied all day regardless.

Once wife has left the building ill be reading emails, Fatsecret and all the other little things I do every morning. Hopefully, this won't take too long, as I hope to walk to the beach and back before work. I want to just walk and enjoy myself, listening to some good music and mentally prep for a long, but fun day.

At work, I will as always be standing by my desk instead of sitting. I have no meetings, so it will be a full (though shorter, as it's Friday!) work day on my feet.

After work, I'm meeting with the guy I help losing weight. He is now 800 grams from reaching his goal. Actually, that was last week. He's been on a roll these last few weeks, and I'm curious if he csn keep it up. It'll be about 30 minutes sitting down, but there's about 15 minutes walk to where we're meeting.

After the meeting, Wife and I are going to pick up a package, and get 15 kgs of kitty litter. We realized that we need to restocking before my surgery, as the ladies of the house can't carry it all the way home. It's super heavy. This will be another 30 standing, walking and lifting.

Then, as I'm done with the chores, it'll almost be time for the band. I'm going up there early to help setting up some gear. This means that I'll leave from home at 4 pm the latest - I think it'll be about an hour long breather from when we come home from "Mission:Kitty Litter" - walk about 20-25 minutes WITH MY 20 LBS OF BASS GUITAR AND GEAR on my back. I'll be stopping at a restaurant to get a salad, no dressing.

Then of course I'll spend 6-7 hours setting up gear and playing music.

It's definitely gonna burn some energy! I know I'll be sleeping tight tonight. Hopefully it'll give me some instant karma when I weigh in tomorrow morning. We'll see. Wish me luck.

Phew, writing all this makes me realize what a crazy activendsy ill be having. So much going on, and, really, so much fun to be had. I gotta say I really love my life. I may, just like so many other people, moan and groan, bitch and whine, but looking at the big picture I'm really having a blast. It's fun to be the King.

I really enjoy my new life style. I like being aware of what I eat and knowing how it'll affect me. I like feeling lighter, feeling agile, having stamina WAY beyond what I ever thought I'd have - and I still feel that I have only just begun.

I still don't really feel that I exercise. Sure, inside the bike, but mostly I just make sure to be active. I make sure, most of the time, to not end up spending my entire day in a chair.

I think, if you were to ask me advice on how to lose weight, my advice would be:

COUNT your calories, drink a LOT of water and STAND UP!

I think if a person does this you pretty much accomplish all in one go. You restrict calories, clean out and get a little bit more exercise. Working out in the beginning of a weight loss journey csn be so tough. When I was 340 lbs, running was no option. It'd kill me, though I was good at walking long distances. Many people can't even accomplish that. So, in honesty, for those who always sit, getting out of the chair and standing up as much as you can is a great start. I calculated it once. Standing up a full work day would burn something like 3-400 extra calories daily! Multiply by five, and you've 1500-2000 calories. To lose a pound of fat you need 3500 calorie deficit. Thus, standing up at work equal half a pound lost per week, without doing anything else. How cool is that? :-)

Today, I'm thankful for :
- An amazing day out with Wife yesterday. We always have a great time together.
- the drive to get out of bed and exercise. Makes me feel proud and accomplished.
- the outlook to a nice cup of coffee in a few minutes. My hour on the bike is up!
- an active, busy and FUN day today.

Happy Friday, friends! Life is good!


Great job on keeping your intake in check. I know how hard it must be to keep from letting anxiety control your appetite. You're going to be fine. A few more days and you'll be entering the final frontier of what has been one heck of a journey. Your transformation has been nothing short of incredible. We are all grateful for the lessons we've learned at your expense, and from your experiences, and we're all looking forward to the king that is going to emerge from this last transformation. 
07 jun 12 av medlem: DairyKing
Not the final frontier, just the next phase :) 
07 jun 12 av medlem: Baxie
Ugh, salad without dressing, how do you do that and what do you put on it? I had a lettuce-only salad (mixed greens, but ya know) with fat free Italian dressing. Good, and filling, without mega calories. I couldn't avoid the soy sauce-that's one of my fave things about Chinese food! You're still doing great, and I have prayers all ready for you when you go for the surgery. As inspiring as ever, buddy!! Please continue!  
07 jun 12 av medlem: ZippyDani
Thanks, Zippi (and everyone else). The salad without dressing is simply a matter of habit. There's nothing more to it. I'm so used to skipping the dressing, and if there is some kind of meat (chicken, tuna, ham) in there, it's still super filling.  
08 jun 12 av medlem: kingkeld
Wow Keld, do you ever sleep?? LOL! Sounds like you have a great day ahead of you. Take care and congrats for the accomplishment of yesterday.  
08 jun 12 av medlem: Baileyrose85


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