Good morning!

Geez. Today, I am surprised to see that I am UP in weight. I had honestly expecting a drop - even a significant one. For some reason it didn't show up on time. It must be late in traffic or something. :)

I stayed under my allowed 2,000 calories yesterday, and only had proper foods. Nothing bad.

If I was to point at anything, it would be that I had large amounts of food, a nice big dinner, and plenty of apples as snacks. None of this made me go nuts in calories, but of course it can weigh me down.

Still, it's VERY annoying that I am at 85.5 kilos, when I should be inching my way towards 80. Hrmfff...

Looking deeper in my numbers, there are some changes. I see that my body fat percentage is down from 13.1 yesterday to 12.1 today. That is of course a good sign.

Another thing is that I see my water/muscle weight is up by a kilo since yesterday. This is also helping me to see where the gain comes from.

It doesn't make me much happier though. I do want to nudge that weight down, and it needs to start happening soon - I have 4 weeks to do it, and I don't want to have to panic the last few days.


Another factor in all this could be stress. I am stressing BAD these days. I have a LOT of tasks at work, and many has a deadline of December 31st. In a way there is plenty of time, but let us not forget that I won't be at work for pretty much ALL of December because of my surgery and because of the holidays. It's a tough one to pull off.

At the same time, Wife is still not on top of things (though better), and I still have to carry her quite some. It all takes its toll on me, obviously.


One thing that I do see as a positive is that I can use my calorie counting to REMAIN IN CONTROL when everything around me is crazy. I give this advice to people in my classes constantly.

We tend to let go of the calorie intake control when we stress. We just let go and tell ourselves that we can't do this right now, and that we'll just have to do it later.

I think this is the WAY wrong approach. I think that if I can remain in check on my calories, then first of all I won't gain body fat while I'm in panic mode, and also I will get the feeling of being in control of SOMETHING. It's a good, solid pillar that can support a lot of other things.

Man, stress is a horrible beast. I would prefer attacks from the Carb Monster any day. At least when he's around I get to eat candy. LOL.


Because of the stress I haven't slept much last night. At least not "solid" sleep. My fitbit say 7 hours, but I feel like it was more like two. If I slept, then I didn't get anything out of it.

This means that today will be an exceptionally long day.

I am working at the gym straight after work, and I worked out this morning. This makes it a day staring before 7 AM, and lasting to about 9.15 PM. Phew. I better sleep tight tonight.


I didn't do my walk this morning. I was actually ready, even went outside. This was when I realized that it was raining bad. I will have to make up the steps as I go today. I'm already at 5,700 of my 10,000 goal, so it's not all bad. I will - WILL - make it. I just have to generally move throughout the day.

If nothing else, I will most likely reach goal at the gym. I walk quite a bit there.

The bad thing is that when I miss my walk I tend to overall have a somewhat lower calorie burn for the day.


I do think my RDI is correct, if anything a tad on the low side. I truly don't think (yet) that it is too high and that I don't lose weight because of it. I think I am in a good spot for fat loss.

All indicators I have that can estimate my calorie burn and RDI agrees that I should be somewhere between 2,100 and 2,500 for weight loss, and about 3,000 to 3,500 for maintenance. This is due to the muscle burn I have, I believe.

My activity level when I calculate RDI is set to Moderate (setting 3, of 5 - middle level), as I do the gym intensely three times per week, walk AT LEAST five kilometers daily, and stand up at work all day.

My average step count for the last week was 16,000 steps daily. Way over my goal.

I think my estimates are correct - and I have many days where I don't reach the upper limit of my RDI.

Today will be such a day, and I welcome it. Maybe it can kick start things to go a little lower.

It's not that I don't want to eat, but the choices and the foods that I have available today just won't give me a lot of calories.

A lot of the food will be cabbage and ham. I have two such meals today, and it won't take me higher than about 700 calories. That's okay. They will be plenty fulfilling.

I need a push forward and downwards, weight wise.


Mentally, I might be exhausted, but physically I feel great. I'm a little tired from the stress, lack of sleep and many hours of work, but I can really tell that I am stronger than ever. I can tell that my body LOVES me for hitting the gym hard. I can tell that I am doing the right thing.

I don't think I could have handled the stress and my whole situation as well if I had not had the strength training to "get it out of the system" for me. I like it a lot.


I wish I could say that the extra kilos are "probably muscle". Some of it is. But not all that much. Looking at the cheks I did over time at the gym, on a scale similar to mine, I see a MUCH lower body fat percentage than what I can show today, and almost (within 3 lbs) as much muscle. And still, I am five kilos heavier than my better weigh-ins. I really need to fix it. It's not muscle. It's fat.

Now, gaining muscle, does that add any significant amount of body fat? I think it wouldn't. As far as I know, fat is fat, muscle is muscle. If anything knows anything about this, or have some thoughts on this, please enlighten me.

My thought is that I can pretty much separate those numbers. If my body fat percentage goes up, then I am getting fatter, and if my muscle mass goes up then I'm getting stronger. More muscle will add more water, and water mass will go up. But fat? I don't know. I doubt it.


I want to apologize for not commenting a whole lot on my buddies journals these days. I do read as much as I can, but I feel that I have so many things going on around me, and it's all just a bit much. I do put a little "hello" in here and there. Rest assured that I am around. If you have any questions for me, or anything I can help with, let me know via inbox. I am here. I've had a few issues getting messages, but it seems to work. I'm working my way through them. If you are waiting for a reply from me, just be patient. I'm almost there. :)

The same goes in the forum. I can't find the energy to spend all that much time there. I do read though.

I have to say I am shocked at how much the forum these days is cluttered with misinformation. It makes me sad. I want to comment on it, I want to fix it, but I also have seen the reaction people have.

Spacey47, anyone? LOL.

Spacey47 was right in so many things. He actually had the approaches down, and what he did would work for pretty much anyone. Trouble was, of course, that he was loud and had a bad habit of offending people left and right.

That being said, I also see how upset people can get if their systems are shot down, no matter how silly some of it seems.

I suppose this is the problem that arises when you have forums where ALL kinds of diets meet. We'll never fully agree.

"Thermodynamics", anyone? :)


For me, there is absolutely no doubt. It's overall a matter of calories in vs. calories out. This is KING. How you accomplish it is secondary. Then, when that is said, there are factors that can make things go fast or slow, and make it easy or hard for you to accomplish.

For me, it seems to work best when I just go low, focus on getting enough protein and fat, skip breakfast, eat reasonably sized meals and avoid carbs in general, and drink pleny of coffee and water.

Hmmm... I have actually REALLY cut down on my coffee this week. That is a factor that I have changed. Maybe I shouldn't? I'm gonna have to try that one out. :) Coffee is of course black with no added calories in any form.


Today, I'm thankful for:
- Having a talk with a superior at work about my situation.
- Wife
- Working out this morning. It was beyond tough, but FUN - and I feel awesome afterwards.
- Coffee. More, please! (salute)

Happy hump day! Life is good!

85,5 kg Tappat hittills: 69,5 kg.    Kvarvarande: 0,5 kg.    Kosten följs: 100%.
Ökar 2,1 kg per vecka


I don't comment every day on your Journal either Keld, but I do read, and I do support you, and feel your angst in regards to stress, and your wife, and the weight loss wars, all of it. I have been on this journey a long time but I often have little to add to your journey as you are doing a magnificent job. Hang in there, it will all be good in the end.  
06 nov 13 av medlem: sarahsmum
I appreciate the encouragement. I know it's "whiny" when I am just a few kilos from goal weight, but I have deadlines and they are hard to reach. Those last few kilos are no less frustrating. :) As much as I know my accomplishments over the last few years, this is just as much a challenge, if not even more.  
06 nov 13 av medlem: kingkeld
You are not 'whiny' at all, you are frustrated and that's different :) You do have goals to meet and you are doing what you know to do to meet them, your body for some reason isn't cooperating like it usually does, so I can understand your frustration. Perhaps as you suggest it is the stress weighing you down. Because you have been under this stress for some months now. Wish there was some quick fix honey but there isn't or you would have found it. I applaud you on not burying your stress under a pile of chocolate and candy as I know you would love to do but you would only end up more stressed. As you say, at least you can control what goes in to your mouth and what you do with your body; you can't control the rest of the world. 
06 nov 13 av medlem: sarahsmum
Well put. I agree 100%. Let's control what we can. :) 
06 nov 13 av medlem: kingkeld


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